Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
apiKey |
Please contact Caliq support to get your key |
string |
Required |
WebOrderRef |
Website Order reference. Not meaningful to Caliq but will be returned on order API queries. Should be unique per order |
string |
Required Max length: 50 |
ChannelID |
List of channels can be retrieved via API |
integer |
Required |
PutOnCustomerHold |
If set the order will be placed on customer hold |
boolean |
None. |
PutOnInternalHold |
If set the order will be placed on internal hold |
boolean |
None. |
DateTaken |
Date the order was taken in YYYYMMDD format |
string |
Required |
DateRequired |
Date the customer wants the item delivered in YYYYMMDD. If not supplied then will be created with order date |
string |
None. |
CustomerPONumber |
Customer's purchase order number |
string |
Max length: 20 |
Currency |
Currency that the order values are in |
string |
Required Max length: 3 |
VATInclusive |
Are the values in this order to be treated as VAT inclusive unless explicitly specified by the name of the value |
boolean |
Required |
CustomerID |
Caliq internal unique customer identifier |
integer |
None. |
AccountNo |
User entered unique customer account number |
string |
Required Max length: 10 |
InvoiceToAccountNo |
User entered unique customer account number to override billing customer. Billing address data should be from this customer. If this is invalid it will be ignored |
string |
Max length: 10 |
OrderNotes |
User entered notes to be shown on despatch paperwork. Typically 'if not in leave in porch' |
string |
None. |
OfficeNotes |
User entered notes to be shown only to office staff |
string |
None. |
CreateAsQuote |
If true then order will be created as a quotation and payment data will be ignored, any other value indicates false |
boolean |
None. |
FailedFraudDetection | boolean |
None. |
FraudDetectionMessage | string |
None. |
OrderingContact |
This data can be used to influence the 'ordering contact and address' for this order in Caliq. None of this is mandatory and if not set the default web contact will be used. |
OrderingContact |
None. |
DeliveryAddress |
If not a direct ship the address must must exist in Caliq and be set to AllowDeliver = true |
DeliveryAddress |
None. |
InvoiceAddress |
The address must must exist in Caliq and be set to AllowBilling = true |
InvoiceAddress |
None. |
NewOrderLines | NewOrderLines |
None. |
OrderDiscounts |
Any discounts added here will be applied to the supplied line unit prices, pro rate |
OrderDiscounts |
None. |
OrderPayments | OrderPayments |
None. |
CarriageAndDespatch | CarriageAndDespatch |
None. |
ExternalMeta1 |
Reserved for internal use |
string |
Max length: 25 |
ExternalMeta2 |
Reserved for internal use |
string |
Max length: 25 |