A collection of endpoints supporting retrieval of system supporting data from Caliq
API | Description |
POST api/v1/Pulse |
Returns the number of seconds since midnight. |
POST api/v1/Channel |
Retrieve the list of channels. |
POST api/v1/Country |
Retrieve the list of countries. |
POST api/v1/Currency |
Retrieve the list of currencies |
POST api/v1/CustCategory |
Retrieve the list of customer categories |
POST api/v1/DespatchMethod |
Retrieve the list of despatch methods. |
POST api/v1/Employee |
Retrieve the list of employees. |
POST api/v1/MarketingOption |
Retrieve the list of marketing options. |
POST api/v1/ProductGroup |
Retrieve the list of product groups. |
POST api/v1/ProductGroupLevel |
Retrieve the list of product level combinations |
POST api/v1/ServiceLevel |
Retrieve the list of despatch service levels. |
POST api/v1/CustomerServiceLevel |
Retrieve the list of customer service levels. |
POST api/v1/UserDefined |
Retrieve the list of user defined fields. |
POST api/v1/Warehouse |
Retrieve the list of warehouses. |
POST api/v1/Message |
Retrieve the list of system messages. |
POST api/v1/PaymentType |
Retrieve the list of payment types. |
POST api/v1/ProductAttribFilter |
Retrieve the list of product attributes and filters. |
POST api/v1/apiCallList |
Retrieve the list of api calls made. |
POST api/v1/EventLock |
Lock an event in Caliq before making changes or payment. |
POST api/v1/SurchargeBand |
Retrieve the list of product surcharge bands |
A collection of endpoints supporting retrieval of Product data from Caliq
API | Description |
POST api/v1/ProductChange |
Returns a collection of products which have been added or updated in Caliq since a supplied date |
POST api/v1/ProductCatalogue |
Returns a collection of product catalogues and asociated items |
POST api/v1/Product |
Retrieve full product data for a collection of products |
POST api/v1/ProductStock |
Retrieve various stock related data values for a specific or all products |
POST api/v1/ProductStockWH |
Retrieve various stock related data values for a specific or all products for specific warehouse |
POST api/v1/ProductImage |
Retrieve an image for a given product and image type |
POST api/v1/ProductImageType |
Retrieve the list of supported image types. This is required when asking for an actual product image |
POST api/v1/Price |
Retrieve the price data for specific products, customer and quantity combination |
POST api/v1/PriceListNormal |
Retrieve Normal standard prices for all products, for specific currency or all |
POST api/v1/PriceListRRP |
Retrieve RRP prices for all products, for specific currency or all |
POST api/v1/PriceListPromo |
Retrieve Promotional prices for all products, for specific currency or all |
POST api/v1/ProductStdCostChanges |
Retrieve changes made to product standard costs |
A collection of endpoints supporting retrieval of ad hoc data from Caliq
API | Description |
POST api/v1/RunningDownItemsWithStock |
Returns a collection of products which are set to discontinued running down stock |
POST api/v1/OrderLinesAddedByDate |
Returns a collection of order lines which were created between two dates |
POST api/v1/ProductsRequiringBuying |
Returns a collection of products which may need reordering |
A collection of endpoints supporting retrieval of Customer data from Caliq
API | Description |
POST api/v1/CustomerChange |
Returns a collection of customers which have been added or updated in Caliq since a supplied date |
POST api/v1/Customer |
Retrieve full customer data for a collection of customers |
POST api/v1/CustomerCreate |
Create a new customer account |
POST api/v1/AddressCreate |
Add an additional permanent address to an existing customer account |
POST api/v1/AddressChange |
Update an existing address on an existing customer account |
POST api/v1/ContactChange |
Update the WebContactID contact on an existing customer account |
POST api/v1/MarketingChange |
Update just the marketing options on an existing customer account/contact |
POST api/v1/CustomerBuyingReport |
Retrieve a list of all items purchased by a specific customer over a date range |
POST api/v1/TopSellersCustCategory |
Retrieve a list of all top selling items by customer category |
POST api/v1/InteractionCreate |
Create a new customer interaction in Caliq. Must be created on an already existing customer |
POST api/v1/CustomerCPA |
Retrieve customer CPA for a collection of customers |
API | Description |
POST api/v1/Order |
Retrieve a list of 'orders' for a specific customer, or all and time frame |
POST api/v1/OrderLine |
Retrieve the breakdown of a specific order, credit or customer return |
POST api/v1/OrderLinesForCustomer |
Retrieve the list of outstanding order lines for a specific customer |
POST api/v1/OrderCreate |
Create a new sales order in Caliq. Must be created on an already existing customer |
POST api/v1/Despatch |
Retrieve a list of despatches for a specific order or time frame |
POST api/v1/OrderChange |
Returns a collection of orders which have been added or updated in Caliq since a supplied date |
POST api/v1/Ledger |
Retrieve a list of sales ledger transactions for a specific customer account |
POST api/v1/Invoice |
Return a list of all invoices and credits for a specific customer or all customers, |
POST api/v1/InvoicePDF |
Retrieve a pdf copy of an Caliq pdf document |
POST api/v1/DocumentPDF |
Retrieve a pdf copy of an Caliq pdf document |
POST api/v1/Intake |
Retrieves the sales intake data for a range of dates |
POST api/v1/PaymentsReceived |
Return a list of all payments received between 2 dates |
POST api/v1/PurchaseOrders |
Return a list of all outstanding purchase orders and lines |
POST api/v1/PickTrip |
Retrieve a list of orders for a specific pick trip id |
POST api/v1/CustomersWithOrders |
Retrieve a list of customers who have a back order of some sort |
POST api/v1/WarehouseActions |
Retrieve a list of order movements through the warehouse |
POST api/v1/MakePayment |
Make a payment against an order, proforma or specific invoices for a customer |
POST api/v1/OrderEdit |
Update certain values of an order after it has been placed. Orders already in the warehouse are not changeable |
POST api/v1/HoldingOrderAdd |
Special routine to add data to Caliq holding order - not normally used |
POST api/v1/HoldingOrderDelete |
Special routine to delete data to Caliq holding order - not normally used |
POST api/v1/HoldingOrderDespatch |
Special routine to despatch data from Caliq holding order - not normally used |