
A collection of endpoints supporting retrieval of system supporting data from Caliq

POST api/v1/Pulse

Returns the number of seconds since midnight.
Lightweight option to determine web service availability

POST api/v1/Channel

Retrieve the list of channels.
A channel is an attribute of an order and tells Caliq where the order came from
Typical values would be 'Web', 'Trade Show', 'Sales Rep'
The channel is a mandatory field when creating an order

POST api/v1/Country

Retrieve the list of countries.
Each customer address will have a associated country code

POST api/v1/Currency

Retrieve the list of currencies
Each customer in Caliq trades in a specific currency. Only orders matching this currency will be accepted

POST api/v1/CustCategory

Retrieve the list of customer categories

POST api/v1/DespatchMethod

Retrieve the list of despatch methods.
A despatch method is an attribute of an order and tells Caliq how to goods should be sent to the customer
The despatch method is an optional field when creating an order

POST api/v1/Employee

Retrieve the list of employees.

POST api/v1/MarketingOption

Retrieve the list of marketing options.
Multiple options can be set against each contact

POST api/v1/ProductGroup

Retrieve the list of product groups.
Each group has a level, 1-4, a code and description

POST api/v1/ProductGroupLevel

Retrieve the list of product level combinations

POST api/v1/ServiceLevel

Retrieve the list of despatch service levels.
It may be desirable to tell Caliq than an order needs to be despatched to the customer via a certain service rather than a specifc despatch method
Typcically service levels might be 'Next Day', 'Saturday AM', 'Named Day' and specify the service required rather than an actual carrier
The service level is an optional field when creating an order

POST api/v1/CustomerServiceLevel

Retrieve the list of customer service levels.
It may be desirable to tell Caliq than an customer needs a specific service leevl rather than the default
Leave null/0 to use the default customer service level or specify the ID to use
The service level is an optional field when creating a customer

POST api/v1/UserDefined

Retrieve the list of user defined fields.
Caliq supports multiple user defined fields(UDF) against products and customers. Each UDF has a description and can eaither be a simple text field or a selectable list.

POST api/v1/Warehouse

Retrieve the list of warehouses.
A warehouse is an attribute of an order and tells Caliq where to despatch the goods from
The warehouse is an optional field when creating an order

POST api/v1/Message

Retrieve the list of system messages.
These will be returned when creating orders and customers in Caliq if there any any issues with the supplied data

POST api/v1/PaymentType

Retrieve the list of payment types.
The payment ypes will be require when sending payment data for orders

POST api/v1/ProductAttribFilter

Retrieve the list of product attributes and filters.

POST api/v1/apiCallList

Retrieve the list of api calls made.

POST api/v1/EventLock

Lock an event in Caliq before making changes or payment.
If event is already locked will return message as 'INUSE' If event is locked ok will return 'LOCKED'

POST api/v1/SurchargeBand

Retrieve the list of product surcharge bands


A collection of endpoints supporting retrieval of Product data from Caliq

POST api/v1/ProductChange

Returns a collection of products which have been added or updated in Caliq since a supplied date
This list can then be used to request full product data
NOTE: Changes to prices or stock levels do NOT count as a product change
and should be refreshed fully each time

POST api/v1/ProductCatalogue

Returns a collection of product catalogues and asociated items

POST api/v1/Product

Retrieve full product data for a collection of products
You can send either product codes or product ids dending on what you have stored

POST api/v1/ProductStock

Retrieve various stock related data values for a specific or all products
You can send either product code or product id dending on what you have stored

POST api/v1/ProductStockWH

Retrieve various stock related data values for a specific or all products for specific warehouse
You can send either product code or product id dending on what you have stored

POST api/v1/ProductImage

Retrieve an image for a given product and image type
You can send either a product code or a product id dending on what you have stored

POST api/v1/ProductImageType

Retrieve the list of supported image types. This is required when asking for an actual product image

POST api/v1/Price

Retrieve the price data for specific products, customer and quantity combination

POST api/v1/PriceListNormal

Retrieve Normal standard prices for all products, for specific currency or all
Optionally just return prices for a collection of part numbers or ID's Optionally just return prices for a collection of customer account numbers or ID'

POST api/v1/PriceListRRP

Retrieve RRP prices for all products, for specific currency or all
Optionally just return prices for a collection of part numbers or ID's

POST api/v1/PriceListPromo

Retrieve Promotional prices for all products, for specific currency or all
Optionally just return prices for a collection of part numbers or ID's

POST api/v1/ProductStdCostChanges

Retrieve changes made to product standard costs
You can send a 'from' and 'to' date and all items changed between them will be returned
If the 'to' date is today then from cost will be compared to live standard cost on the product record


A collection of endpoints supporting retrieval of ad hoc data from Caliq

POST api/v1/RunningDownItemsWithStock

Returns a collection of products which are set to discontinued running down stock
Optionally the results can be restricted to just items which have physical stock

POST api/v1/OrderLinesAddedByDate

Returns a collection of order lines which were created between two dates
Optionally the results can be restricted to just lines sold below cost or below a specific margin

POST api/v1/ProductsRequiringBuying

Returns a collection of products which may need reordering


POST api/v1/WH_Area

Retrieve details of all areas for a given warehouse

POST api/v1/WH_Aisle

Retrieve details of all aisles for a given warehouse

POST api/v1/WH_HandlingArea

Retrieve details of all handling areas for a given warehouse

POST api/v1/WH_Bin

Retrieve details of bins map for a given warehouse

POST api/v1/WH_ProductStock

Retrieve details of all bins containing stock of a list of supplied products

POST api/v1/WH_BinStock

Retrieve details of all products with stock in a list of supplied bins

POST api/v1/WH_StockAdjustmentReason

Retrieve list of all stock adjustment reason codes

POST api/v1/WH_StockAdjustment

Make a stock adjustment to a bin qty

POST api/v1/WH_StockAdjustment_Scrap

Make a scrap note adjustment to a bin qty

POST api/v1/WH_StockAdjustment_StoresIssue

Make a stores issue adjustment (remove from) to a bin qty

POST api/v1/WH_StockAdjustment_StoresReturn

Make a stores return adjustment (add to) to a bin qty

POST api/v1/WH_Relocate

Relocate stock from one bin to 1 or more others

POST api/v1/WH_Shipments

Retrieve details of all shipments awaiting picking

POST api/v1/WH_Shipments_Detail

Retrieve full details of selected shipments

POST api/v1/WH_Shipment_Route

Route a shipment

POST api/v1/WH_LoadingBay_Set

Set loading bay against a shipment

POST api/v1/WH_Deliverable_Add

Create a new deliverable

POST api/v1/WH_Deliverable_Get

Query details for a deliverable

POST api/v1/WH_Deliverable_Label

Print deliverable label

POST api/v1/WH_Deliverable_Move

Change handling area for a deliverable

POST api/v1/WH_Deliverable_PutAway

Relocate stock from deliverable

POST api/v1/WH_PickStart

Mark a shipment as started picking

POST api/v1/WH_Pick

Pick a line from a picking note

POST api/v1/WH_PickCancel

Cancel shipment out of warehouse putting stock into GRAL

POST api/v1/WH_PickComplete

Confirm picking note as fully picked

POST api/v1/WH_LoadStart

Mark a shipment as started loading

POST api/v1/WH_Load

Load a line from a picking note

POST api/v1/WH_LoadCancel

Cancel loading out of warehouse putting stock into GRAL

POST api/v1/WH_LoadComplete

Confirm picking note as fully loaded


A collection of endpoints supporting retrieval of Customer data from Caliq

POST api/v1/CustomerChange

Returns a collection of customers which have been added or updated in Caliq since a supplied date
This list can then be used to request full customer data

POST api/v1/Customer

Retrieve full customer data for a collection of customers
You can send either account numbers or customer ids dending on what you have stored

POST api/v1/CustomerCreate

Create a new customer account

POST api/v1/AddressCreate

Add an additional permanent address to an existing customer account
You must send a customer id or account number along with the address details

POST api/v1/AddressChange

Update an existing address on an existing customer account
You must send a customer id or account number along with the address details
Any part of the data which is supplied as null will be left as is in Caliq

POST api/v1/ContactChange

Update the WebContactID contact on an existing customer account
All existing marketing data will be removed and replaced with the supplied data so you must always supply the full set
You must send a customer id or account number along with the contact details
Any part of the data which is supplied as null will be left as is in Caliq

POST api/v1/MarketingChange

Update just the marketing options on an existing customer account/contact
This operates on a specific marketing option at a time
You must send a customer id or account number along with the marketing details
If you supply the ContactID then this will be updated. If this is 0 or missing then the main web contact will be updated

POST api/v1/CustomerBuyingReport

Retrieve a list of all items purchased by a specific customer over a date range
Data can be based on orders or invoices and over a variable number of months
Only items in stock or where the item wil be back in stock within n weeks

POST api/v1/TopSellersCustCategory

Retrieve a list of all top selling items by customer category
Data can be based on sales qty, value or margin
Only items in stock will be included

POST api/v1/InteractionCreate

Create a new customer interaction in Caliq. Must be created on an already existing customer

POST api/v1/CustomerCPA

Retrieve customer CPA for a collection of customers
You can send either account numbers or customer ids dending on what you have stored
This is a legacy API feature and should only be used if directed by Caliq


POST api/v1/Order

Retrieve a list of 'orders' for a specific customer, or all and time frame
Can return orders, credits and returns
You can send either account number or customer ID dending on what you have stored
Leave customer fields empty to get all orders changes since date

POST api/v1/OrderLine

Retrieve the breakdown of a specific order, credit or customer return
You can send either order number or order ID dending on what you have stored

POST api/v1/OrderLinesForCustomer

Retrieve the list of outstanding order lines for a specific customer
You can send either account number or customer ID dending on what you have stored

POST api/v1/OrderCreate

Create a new sales order in Caliq. Must be created on an already existing customer

POST api/v1/Despatch

Retrieve a list of despatches for a specific order or time frame
You can send either order number or order ID dending on what you have stored

POST api/v1/OrderChange

Returns a collection of orders which have been added or updated in Caliq since a supplied date
This list can then be used to request full order data

POST api/v1/Ledger

Retrieve a list of sales ledger transactions for a specific customer account
You can send either account number or customer id dending on what you have stored

POST api/v1/Invoice

Return a list of all invoices and credits for a specific customer or all customers,
raised between 2 specified dates.

POST api/v1/InvoicePDF

Retrieve a pdf copy of an Caliq pdf document
You must send a document id which would have been returned as part of an order or ledger query, or from an EventDocuments list
InvoicePDF has since been replaced with DocumentPDF but functionailty remains the same in both

POST api/v1/DocumentPDF

Retrieve a pdf copy of an Caliq pdf document
You must send a document id which would have been returned as part of an order or ledger query, or from an EventDocuments list
InvoicePDF has since been replaced with DocumentPDF but functionailty remains the same in both

POST api/v1/Intake

Retrieves the sales intake data for a range of dates
Can be optionally filtered for a collection of products
'NEW' new order line added, 'CANC' line cancelled, 'QCH' quantity of line changed, 'PCH' price of line only changed without qty change, 'QPCH' price and qty both changed

POST api/v1/PaymentsReceived

Return a list of all payments received between 2 dates

POST api/v1/PurchaseOrders

Return a list of all outstanding purchase orders and lines

POST api/v1/PickTrip

Retrieve a list of orders for a specific pick trip id

POST api/v1/CustomersWithOrders

Retrieve a list of customers who have a back order of some sort

POST api/v1/WarehouseActions

Retrieve a list of order movements through the warehouse
Each entry maps to a consignment undergoing a warehouse process

POST api/v1/MakePayment

Make a payment against an order, proforma or specific invoices for a customer

POST api/v1/OrderEdit

Update certain values of an order after it has been placed. Orders already in the warehouse are not changeable
Order must be locked before calling
Any value passed as null will be ignored and NOT updated

POST api/v1/HoldingOrderAdd

Special routine to add data to Caliq holding order - not normally used

POST api/v1/HoldingOrderDelete

Special routine to delete data to Caliq holding order - not normally used

POST api/v1/HoldingOrderDespatch

Special routine to despatch data from Caliq holding order - not normally used