Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
apiKey |
Please contact Caliq support to get your key |
string |
Required |
ChannelID |
List of channels can be retrieved via API |
integer |
Required |
CustomerID |
Caliq internal unique customer identifier. Required if AccountNo not set |
integer |
None. |
AccountNo |
User entered unique customer account number. Required if CustomerID not set |
string |
Required Max length: 10 |
ContactID |
Caliq internal unique contact identifier of the person the interaction was with |
integer |
None. |
UniqueID |
GUID for this call to uniquely identify it. Must be set |
string |
Required |
Kind |
Interaction type (C)all, (E)mail, (V)isit |
string |
Required Max length: 1 |
ContactedBy |
Employee ID of the person interacting with the customer |
string |
Required Max length: 10 |
ContactedFirstName |
If ContactID is not set, first name of person interacted with |
string |
Required Max length: 50 |
ContactedSurname |
If ContactID is not set, surname of person interacted with |
string |
Required Max length: 50 |
OnDateTime |
Date/time the interaction took place |
string |
None. |
Notes |
Notes of the interaction |
string |
None. |
FollowUpDateTime |
Date/time of any follow up. Leave blank if no follow up |
string |
None. |
FollowUpBy |
Employee ID of the person to follow up with the customer. Leave empty if no follow up |
string |
Required Max length: 10 |
FollowUpNotes |
Follow Up Notes |
string |
None. |